RISING rates on intra-Asia routes to five-year highs amid a capacity crunch born of an acute shortage of empty containers, has commanded fresh attention in the market, say carriers and shippers alike.
TOTAL container throughput at the Port of Antwerp decreased 4.4 per cent in the first nine months of the year compared to same period last year.
ALIBABA's logistics arms, Cainiao Smart Logistics Network (Cainiao Network) announced that it plans to operate over 700 chartered flights to deliver 90 per cent of its parcels outside China shopping fest...
HONG Kong's Cathay Pacific's wants to expand its reach to South America and Africa, says the airline's new director of cargo Tom Owens.
CHINA has become the first major economy to spring back to its feet with its exports currently being higher than ever, according to a research carried out by the British think-tank Oxford Economics.
ISRAELI carrier Zim is going ahead with its plan to enter the Asia-Australia trade despite the high levels of container congestion being witnessed at Australia's main gateway ports hit by weeks of industri...