HONG Kong's Seaspan Corporation, which is the world's largest containership lessor, has forward fixed contracts to extend the current lease terms for 17 containerships with Cosco Shipping.
IRAN is pressing ahead with plans and projects to increase its port capacity to 280 million tonnes a year, reports Tehran's official Press TV.
THE CMA CGM Marco Polo became the biggest cargo vessel to ever dock on the US East Coast, passing under the Bayonne Bridge last Thursday and sailing through the Kill Van Kull on its way to Port E...
SAN PEDRO Bay ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach enjoyed their best Aprils in container volume history with LA's total rising to 946,767 TEU, up 32 per cent while rival LB was up 43 per cent yea...
THE now completed mega ship berth with 50 feet alongside, and three new post panamax cranes in the way, the Port of Boston will soon be ready to dock 14,000-TEU ships, reports the American Journal of T...