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European Court to rule on UK's right to revoke EU withdrawal

Release time: 2018-12-12   Browsing:5573次

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) is to deliver its ruling on whether the UK can unilaterally revoke its withdrawal from the EU, reports the Aberdeen Evening Express.
Monday's ruling comes less than a week after an ECJ advocate general rejected the contention that Article 50 only allows the possibility of revocation following a unanimous decision of the European Council.
Instead, Manuel Campos Sanchez-Bordona said Article 50 allows the "unilateral revocation of the notification of the intention to withdraw from the EU, until such time as the Withdrawal Agreement is formally concluded".
The case was originally heard by the Court of Session in Edinburgh and two attempts by the UK Government to appeal against the referral to the European court were rejected.
Once the ECJ has delivered its ruling the case will be referred back to the Court of Session, where judges are expected to "frank" the decision and declare the European Court’s answer to be the law on the matter.