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Hactl goes green installing solar panels at HKIA terminal facility

Release time: 2018-10-17   Browsing:1202次

HONG KONG Air Cargo Terminals Ltd (Hactl) has installed 1,300 square metres of solar panels on the roof of its SuperTerminal 1 facility at Hong Kong international airport a part of its ongoing "green terminal" project.

The cargo handler's new solar power installation will feature 518 panels with the electricity generation capacity of 160 kWp, a "renewable energy" that will be fed into the power grid, reported AJOT.

Hactl chief executive Wilson Kwong said: "This is a major step forward in Hactl's "green terminal" project and will make a significant contribution to our efforts to minimise our terminal's environmental impact. We believe that Hactl has once again set an example for others to follow, both in Hong Kong and elsewhere.

"Given the size and nature of buildings in the world of air cargo and logistics, the scope for similar installations is enormous and there is a strong economic argument as well as an environmental one."

The system is being designed, installed and maintained by CLP Engineering Ltd (CLPE), a wholly owned subsidiary of CLP Holdings Ltd.