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Fraport sells 33pc in Hannover Airport after 2pc quarterly cargo slip

Release time: 2018-08-15   Browsing:1197次

INTERNATIONAL airport operator Fraport has sold its 30 per cent in Flughafen Hannover-Langenhagen (FHLG), the operating company of Hannover Airport, to iCON Infrastructure Group for EUR109.2 million (US$124.6 million).

Hannover saw a year-on-year two per cent decrease in cargo traffic is the first quarter of 2018, reports New York's Air Cargo World.

Fraport had initially acquired a 20 per cent stake in FHLG 1998, followed by another 10 per cent five years later.

One of six of the conglomerate's total of 12 aviation properties that saw a reduction in volume growth. Its most prominent property, Frankfurt Airport, saw a slight volume decrease of 0.1 per cent.

Its South American holdings, on the other hand, saw double-digit increases in traffic. After deduction of related income tax liabilities, Fraport said the transaction will "have a noticeable positive impact of about EUR77 million" on the group's net profit in its 2018 financial results.